PA-AIMH Endorsement® Registries
About the Endorsement Registry:
Endorsed professionals are recognized on the PA-AIMH Endorsement Registry, showcasing their expertise and commitment to excellence. The registry is in real time and reflects all current professionals who have become or maintained their Endorsement. The registry serves as a resource for families, agencies, and systems seeking qualified IECMH professionals. PA-AIMH Endorsement cannot guarantee the quality of service of any endorsed professional. PA-AIMH Endorsement does not include a process by which complaints or concerns regarding ethics can be filed. If PA-AIMH becomes aware of possible ethics violations by an endorsed professional, complainants are encouraged to, when applicable, contact the individual's professional licensing board.
About the Reflective Supervision/Consultation (RSC) Registry:
Endorsed professionals who provide qualifying Reflective Supervision/Consultation services to IECMH professionals requeat to be included on the PA-AIMH RSC Provider Registry. The inclusion of a provider of reflective supervision/consultation on the Registry indicates that they have earned Endorsement as an Endorsed Reflective Supervisor (ERS) or an Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Mentor-Clinical (I/ECMHM-C) and stated a willingness to serve as a provider of RSC. However, PA-AIMH does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability or completeness of any training and/or supervision provided by these individuals.