Warning Signs for potential social-emotional concern.
As a parent or caregiver does your infant display any of the following...
~ Resists holding
~ Is difficult to comfort or console; has prolonged inconsolable crying
~ Has sleeping or eating difficulties (sleeps or eats too much or too little)
~ Is failng to thrive
~ Rarely seeks or makes eye contact, or typically avoids eye contact
~ Appears unresponsive to efforts to interact or engage
~ Rarely coos, babbles or vocalizes
~ Has limited ablity to regulate emotions
As a parent of caregiver does your toddler or preschooler display any of the following...
~ Shows little preference for or excessive dependence on the you or other primary caregivers
~ Does not show any apprehension about strangers
~ Appears excessively irritable or fearful
~ Has an inappropriate or limited ability to express feelings
~ Lacks interest or curiosity about people or playthings
~ Fails to explore his or her environment
~ Often appears sad and withdrawn
~ Has inappropriate sexual behavior
~ Has inappropriate impulsive or aggresive behavior
~ Has excessive fears taht do not respond to reassurance
~ Experiences frequent night terrors
~ Has extreeme and frequent tantrums
~ Experiences significant language delays
~ Exhibits unusual need for order or cleanliness
"Social-Emotional Development in Young Children: A guide produced by the Michigan Department of Community Health." www.michigan.gov/mdch. December 2003. http://www.michigan.gov/documents/Social_Emotional_Development_in_Young_Children_Guide_88553_7.pdf. April 11, 2012